CHAPTER 3 REMCS Service Start Procedure
3.2 REMCS Center Registration
FIGURE 3.8 [Customer Information] window
You can use the following characters and symbols for input.
- E-mail addresses must include, but cannot begin or end with, an @ mark. Also, the character that follows
the @ mark must not be a dot (.).
- E-mail addresses must not use the following symbols: ( ) < > ; : [ ] \.
The input items and values for the customer information are as follows.
TABLE 3.4 Input items for the [Customer Information] window
number of
Enter your department/division name.
Enter the server administrator name.
Email Address
Enter the server administrator's e-mail
address in single-byte alphanumeric
characters and symbols.
E-mail notifications of completed
registration or error occurrences are sent
Enter the zip/postal code for your
company address in single-byte numeric
Enter the phone number in single-byte
numeric characters/symbols and '-'.
Enter the FAX number in single-byte
numeric characters/symbols and '-'.
Unique Name
Enter the unique name at your site in
single-byte alphanumeric characters and
Enter the installation country in alphabetic
characters ("JP" for Japan; lower case
characters are converted to upper case