
LifeBook C Series Notebook BIOS
I/O Address: 400 - 43F
480 - 4BF
500 - 53F
580 - 5BF
[400 - 43F] Allows user to set the infrared port base I/O address when
the Fast Infrared (FIR) port is Enabled.
(Note that if there is a conflict between the port interrupts
or addresses, asterisks will appear adjacent to the affected
port names to alert you to the fact. In that case, make a
different selection.)
DMA Channel: DMA 1
[DMA 3] Select the direct memory access channel for fast infrared
Parallel Port: Disabled
[Enabled] Configures the parallel port using either no configuration
(Disabled), a user defined configuration (Enabled), or by
allowing the BIOS or OS to choose the configuration
Mode: Output Only
[Bi-directional] When the parallel port is enabled this option is available
allowing the user to set the mode for the parallel port. Bi-
directional allows two-way transfer of information
between your notebook and a connected parallel device.
Output Only (Half Duplex) allows information to be trans-
ferred in only one direction, from your notebook to the
printer or similar device. ECP Mode allows communication
with the ECP class of parallel I/O devices. Check your
device documentation for the proper setting.
I/O address: 378 - 37F
278 - 27F
3BC - 3BF
[378 - 37F] Allows user to set the parallel port base I/O address when
the parallel port is Enabled.
Interrupt: IRQ 5
[IRQ 7] Allows user to set the parallel port interrupt when the par-
allel port is Enabled.
Table 5: Fields, Options and Defaults for the Port Configuration Submenu of the Advanced Menu
Menu Field Options Default Description