
T r oubleshooting
LifeBook C Series from Fujitsu
Problem Possible Cause Possible Solution
Shutdown and Startup Problems
The Power button does not work. 1. The Power button is disabled from 1. Enable the button from the setup utility.
the Advanced submenu of the Power menu (See page 43.)
of the setup utility.
2. You did not hold the button in long enough. 2. Hold the button longer. This may need to
be a very long time if your application is
preventing the CPU from checking for
button pushes.
3. There may be a conflict with the 3. Close all applications, and try the
application software. button again.
The system powers up, and displays 1. The boot sequence settings of the setup utility 1. Set the operating source by pressing the Esc
power on information, but fails to load are not compatible with your configuration. key while the Fujitsu logo is on screen or
the operating system. use the F2 key and enter the setup utility
and adjust the source settings from the
Boot menu.
2. You have a secured system requiring a 2. Make sure you have the right password.
password to load your operating system. Enter the setup utility and verify the
Security settings and modify them as appro-
priate. (See Security Menu in the BIOS guide.
See page 44 for more information.)
3. Internal hard drive was not detected. 3. Use the BIOS setup utility Main menu,
Primary Master submenu to try to auto
detect the internal hard drive.