1.4 Measurement Windows
CardMinder ScanSnap! User’s Guide 6
About CardMinder
Icon / Display Function
Starts Scanning of business card(s) using ScanSnap!.
Activates recognition of the business card selected in Data List
View. Only characters on front side of the business card are
recognized. Automatically displays the recognition result in
Recognition / Correction View.
Exports the business card data to an application. The data is
moved from [Inbox] tab to the [Exported] tab. The icon at the
left shows Microsoft Outlook. Refer to Section 2 to specify
other applications.
The height of the image is adjusted to fit the height of image
display view.
The width of the image is adjusted to fit the width of image
display view.
The height or width of the image is adjusted to fit the height or
width of the image display view.
Image size is increased.
Image size is decreased.
Rotates the image 90 degrees clockwise. Clicking [▼] allows a
rotation angle setting.
Displays front side image
Displays back side image. If back side image does not exist,
[No Image] is shown.
Displays front and back side images together. The display
method of front and back image can be adjusted by clicking
[View] menu, [Show duplex image] menu and its submenus.
Left side (or Upper side) of the Image View shows front side of
the business card. Right side (or Lower side) of the Image
View shows back side of the business card. If back side image
does not exit, [No Image] is shown.
Swaps front and back side of Image. The same result is
obtained by clicking [View] menu and [Swap data (front and
back)] submenu.
Mode tabs
[Inbox] tab
Data that has been scanned but not exported to an application
is displayed in this tab.
Data that has exported to an application is displayed in this
[Trash] tab Data that has been sent to the Trash is displayed here.