
User’s Manual E-31
Note: Incorrect settings on the RS-232C do not always cause parity
or framing errors. If the baud rates of the host computer and
the printer are multiples of 4800, such as 19200, framing
errors are not detectable, and meaningless data indicates a
setting error. These errors do not affect the line from the host
computer. An error remains if the printer is online and no
other warning is displayed until push button operation or an
operational error or fatal error is detected. The buzzer sounds
each time a download error occurs.
LCD model
A warning error message indicates an interface or data format error
while the printer is online. The printer remains online and printing
does not stop, but the following happens:
The ALARM indicator turns red.
An alarm sounds (unless it was deactivated in setup mode).
For example, the display appears as follows when a buffer control error
occurs on the serial interface.
The message remains displayed until the printer is placed offline and
the error condition is corrected.
6 Transmission
timeout error
While the printer
attempts to
transmit data to the
host, ten seconds
elapse with the
output buffer full
of data.
The printer
ignores the data
(data is lost).
Table E–5 Warning errors list (Continued)
No. Error name Error description Recovery method
Buffer overflow
#E_AppendixE Page 31 Wednesday, September 2, 1998 10:05 AM