
User's Manual
Pin Signal Direc- Description
No. Name tion
1FGFrame Ground
2TDOutputTransmitted Data. This pin carries informa-
tion from the printer to the computer.
3RDInputReceived Data. This pin carries information
from the computer to the printer.
4RTSOutputRequest To Send. Spaces are sent when the
printer is ready to transmit data.
5CTSInputClear To Send. Spaces are sent when the
computer is ready to receive data.
6DSRInputData Set Ready. Spaces are sent when the
computer has been powered on and is ready
to receive or transmit data.
7SG Signal Ground (common return)
8CDInputCarrier Detect. Spaces are sent when the
computer allows the printer to receive data.
11RCOutputReverse Channel. This signal is used instead
of the DTR signal in the RC protocol. Spaces
are sent when the printer is ready to receive
or transmit data.
20DTROutputData Terminal Ready. Spaces are sent when
the printer has been powered on and is ready
to receive or transmit data.