
2.2 Printed Documentation (Appended Papers)
Not supplied.
3 Operating Environment
To use this software, the following software and hardware requirements must be met.
3.1 Software Environment
1) Basic software prerequisites
Before you can use this software, one of the following Basic Software products must have been installed on the
No. Name of Basic Software Remarks
1 Solaris 2.6 OS -
2 Solaris 7 OS -
3 Solaris 8 OS -
4 Solaris 9 OS -
5 Solaris 10 OS -
2) Software requirements
When you use the error notification function (addon function), please be sure to install Enhanced Support Facility
before installing this package.
3) Exclusive software
4) Patch requirements
By the application of this patch, the new function of FUJITSU PCI GigabitEthernet 2.4 is validated.
No. Patch ID Remarks
1 912784-03 For Solaris 2.6 OS or Solaris 7 OS.
This patch is applied by automatic install at
"6.2 Installing Software".
2 114536-12 For Solaris 8 OS.
This patch is applied by automatic install at
"6.2 Installing Software"
3 114994-12 For Solaris 9 OS.
This patch is applied by automatic install at
"6.2 Installing Software".
4 120462-05 For Solaris 10 OS.
This patch is applied by automatic install at
"6.2 Installing Software".
5 913306-03 It must be required only this patch when the using machine is
PRIMEPOWER 1 or PRIMEPOWER 100. Also, above 1, 2, 3, 4
patches are not required.
This patch is applied by automatic install at
"6.2 Installing Software".
When executing the DR(Dynamic Reconfiguration) function or PCI Hot Plug function with Quad
GigabitEthernet(PW008QG1), the following patches are needed.
No. Patch ID Remarks
1 912680-04 On Solaris 9 OS installed with ESF2.3 system, when DR(Dynamic
Reconfiguration) function is executed to the system board installing
Quad GigabitEthernet card (PW008QG1), this patch is needed.
2 913371-03 On Solaris 9 OS installed with ESF2.4 or ESF2.4.1 system, when
DR(Dynamic Reconfiguration) function is executed to the system
board installing Quad GigabitEthernet card (PW008QG1), this patch
is needed.
3 913732-02 On Solaris 9 OS installed with ESF2.5 or ESF2.5.1 system, when
DR(Dynamic Reconfiguration) function is executed to the system