
Chapter 3 Getting Started
UG-910006-13 - 14 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH
If these settings are correct, start the debugger using “Debug – Start Debug”. You should
see a progress bar indicating the download process.
If nothing happens, there will be an error message after some time (“Invalid communication
status”). Double-check the settings again as explained above. Also make sure the
evaluation-board is powered on, ready to use and the RS232-cable is connected properly.
Also see the trouble-shooting section in the appendix.
After starting the debugger, additional windows will appear which contain
locate-arrows for each (possible) source-line, the original source-code,
Figure 3: SWB Debugging window
breakpoint-indicators and the assembler code (in “mixed view”). The actual program position
will be indicated by a yellow line.
You can choose “mixed view” from the context menu (right-click) to display source
and assembly code at the same time. To easily locate the actual line, use “go to current” !