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Revision History
UG-900001-32 - 2 - © Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH
Revision History
Date Version Issue
07.12.98 V1.0 P14,P16 connected to JP7, JP8 (RS232 interface for MB90F594A)
must be changed
07.12.98 V1.0 Jumper on JP10, JP9 Pin2+3 must be changed to Pin 1+2
to connect to UART1
07.12.98 V1.2 Silk-Plot: Version number must be added.
07.12.98 V1.2 Silk-Plot: SIT/SOT is not correct. Must be changed.
07.12.98 V1.2 Silk-Plot: CAN100BOARD is not correct.
07.12.98 V1.2 Silk-Plot: In RS232 Jumper area - naming of pins must be changed
from Pxx to Pinxx.
07.12.98 V1.2 Silk-Plot: In CAN Jumper area - naming of pins must be changed
from Pxx to Pinxx.
07.12.98 V1.2 JP13 was not placed on the board.
07.12.98 V1.2 Allow connection of X4 (RS232 Sub-D-9 female) Pin 7+8
on the DIP switch S3 Pin 5.
13.01.99 V1.1 Page 6 of this manual - item 6.4 not X3 – must be X4
01.02.99 V1.2 Fig. 2 – Schematic of Flash-CAN-100P-M06 misprint: External voltage
supply plug must have Gnd on the inside and +12V on the outside.
03.02.99 V1.2 Disclaimer added to manual
03.02.99 V1.2 Manual revised to include information about Flash programming
software tools, which in now available in this package
12.02.99 V1.2a MB90580 series added – Can be used with this board also (only QFP
100 package!)
17.05.99 V2.0 Silk Plot changed to new Name: FLASH-CAN2-100P-M06
17.05.99 V2.0 New Socket Adapter for MCU used (NQPACK100RB)
17.05.99 V2.0 FLASH-CAN2-100P-M06 added in documentation
17.05.99 V2.0 Revised Silk plot in documentation
26.05.99 V2.0 Replace Pxx by Pixx in Chapter 5
26.05.99 V2.0 Chapter 6 – DIP-switch setting revised for asynchronous loader
26.05.99 V2.0 Table1 + 2 added in this document
16.07.99 X0+X1 are not available on socket pin
16.07.99 V2.0: Connection of new socket adapter must be watched carefully.
MCU might not have good contact
21.07.99 V2.1 Schematic of board added to this manual
05.08.99 V2.1 Attached Floppy modified to incl. Softune Worbench Projects
see \readme.txt – Revision V1.2