[bits 1, 0] MOD1, MOD0: Transfer mode
These bits specify the transfer mode.
The continuous transfer mode can be used for channels 0 to 2 only.
Second Word of a Descriptor
The second word contains the transfer source address.
The address is updated at every transfer operation based on the address update mode
specified by the SCS1 and SCS0 bits.
When the transfer data size is halfword, specify an address consisting of a multiple of two.
When the transfer data size is a word, specify an address consisting of a multiple of four.
Third Word of a Descriptor
The third word contains the transfer destination address.
The address is updated at every transfer operation based on the address update mode
specified by the DCS1 and DCS0 bits.
When the transfer data size is a halfword, specify an address consisting of a multiple of two.
When the transfer data size is a word, specify an address consisting of a multiple of four.
Table 15.5-4 Transfer Mode Specification
MOD1 MOD0 Operation mode
0 0 Single/block mode
0 1 Burst mode
1 0 Continuos transfer mode
31 0
31 0