ii SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002
Floating-Point Deferred-Trap Queue (FQ) 24
IU Deferred-Trap Queue 24
6. Instructions 25
Instruction Execution 25
Data Prefetch 25
Instruction Prefetch 26
Syncing Instructions 27
Instruction Formats and Fields 28
Instruction Categories 29
Control-Transfer Instructions (CTIs) 29
Floating-Point Operate (FPop) Instructions 30
Implementation-Dependent Instructions 30
Processor Pipeline 31
Instruction Fetch Stages 31
Issue Stages 33
Execution Stages 33
Completion Stages 34
7. Traps 35
Processor States, Normal and Special Traps 35
RED_state 36
error_state 36
Trap Categories 37
Deferred Traps 37
Reset Traps 37
Uses of the Trap Categories 37
Trap Control 38
PIL Control 38
Trap-Table Entry Addresses 38
Trap Type (TT) 38
Details of Supported Traps 39
Trap Processing 39
Exception and Interrupt Descriptions 39
SPARC V9 Implementation-Dependent, Optional Traps That Are
Mandatory in SPARC JPS1 39