Non-cursor SQL statement
An SQL statement used for data manipulation, the non-cursor SQL statement does not use a cursor to specify rows to
be manipulated. Instead, the rows to be processed are specified in the search condition specified in the SQL
NOT NULL constraint
The NOT NULL constraint is a constraint that can be applied to columns of tables. The NOT NULL constraint means
that the value in a row of a column of a table cannot be a NULL value.
Null (NULL)
Null is the state in which the value in a row of a column of a table is undefined.
NULL predicate
In the search condition specification for an SQL statement, the NULL predicate specifies that rows are manipulated
depending on whether the column value is null. The NULL predicate is the predicate in A IS NULL.
Related term: predicate
Parameter name
A parameter name is the name of a parameter variable.
Related term: Parameter variable
Parameter variable
Variable used to set an argument value when a procedure routine is called.
Physical structure
One of the database structures along with the logical structure and storage structure. The database space located on
a magnetic disk volume is called the physical structure. A database space is an aggregate of fixed-size blocks.
Related terms: storage structure and logical structure
Physical structure definition
An element of SymfoWARE/RDB database definition for creating a database space.
A predicate is an element in SQL statements used to specify search conditions for rows to be manipulated. Seven