
22.2.2 Maintenance flow 359
22.3 Enabling the Removal of the Fan Backplane 359
22.4 Removing the Fan Backplane 360
22.4.1 Accessing the fan backplane 360
22.4.2 Removing the fan backplane 361
22.5 Installing the Fan Backplane 365
22.5.1 Installing the fan backplane 365
22.5.2 Restoring the chassis 366
22.6 Restoring the System 366
Chapter 23 Maintaining the Operation Panel of the Crossbar Box 367
23.1 Location of the Operation Panel 367
23.2 Before Maintaining the Operation Panel 368
23.2.1 Types of maintenance 368
23.2.2 Maintenance flow 369
23.2.3 Precautions for replacement 369
23.3 Enabling the Removal of the Operation Panel 369
23.4 Removing the Operation Panel 370
23.4.1 Accessing the operation panel 370
23.4.2 Removing the operation panel 373
23.5 Installing the Operation Panel 375
23.5.1 Installing the operation panel 376
23.5.2 Restoring the chassis 377
23.6 Restoring the System 378
Chapter 24 Maintaining the Crossbar Cables (Electrical) 379
24.1 Configuration of the Ports for the Crossbar Cables (Electrical) 379
24.2 Before Maintaining a Crossbar Cable (Electrical) 381
24.2.1 Types of maintenance 381
24.2.2 Maintenance flow 381
24.2.3 Precautions for replacement 382
24.3 Enabling the Removal of a Crossbar Cable (Electrical) 382
24.3.1 Inactive/Cold maintenance 382
Contents xv