SPARC Enterprise M4000/M5000
Servers Product Notes
These product notes contain late-breaking information about the SPARC
M4000/M5000 server hardware, software, or documentation that became known after
the documentation set was published.
■ Supported Versions of Firmware and Software
■ Patch Information
■ Known Issues
■ Hardware Installation and Service Issues
■ Hardware Documentation Updates
■ Software Issues
■ Software Documentation Updates
Supported Versions of Firmware and
The following firmware and software versions are supported in this release:
■ XSCF Control Package (XCP) 1041 or later
Note – When the XCP version preinstalled in your server is under XCP 1041, you
must upgrade to XSCF Control Package(XCP) 1041 or later. Use the web browser
interface, also known as the browser user interface (BUI), to import XCP firmware
and then execute the flashupdate command to upgrade the XCP firmware with
the XSCF Shell.