About the Software
Both midrange servers include these types of software:
■ Section 3.1, “Oracle Solaris Operating System Software” on page 3-1
■ Section 3.2, “XSCF Firmware” on page 3-2
3.1 Oracle Solaris Operating System
The Oracle Solaris OS is installed on the system domains. For complete information
about the Oracle Solaris OS, refer to the Oracle Solaris documentation collection. In
addition to its suite of software capabilities, Oracle Solaris OS provides PCI hot-plug
support, which interacts with the hardware.
3.1.1 Domains
A domain is an independent system resource that runs its own instance of the Oracle
Solaris OS. Operations in one domain are not affected by operations in another
Domains can be used to perform different types of processing activity. For example,
one domain can be used to test new applications, while another domain can be used
for production purposes.
The M4000 server supports up to two domains and the M5000 server supports up to
four domains. A domain can be defined by using a single physical system board
(Uni-XSB) or by combining resources from system boards that have been divided into
separate units (Quad-XSB).