
ErgoPro m664-series PC Specialist's Handbook
Page 5-6 Edition 1 - Release 1 - March 1998
Code Description of POST Operation
30h RAM failure on data bits xxxx* of high byte of memory bus
32h Test CPU bus-clock frequency
33h Initialize POST dispatch manager
34h Test CMOS RAM
35h Initialize alternate chipset registers
36h Warm start shut down
37h Reinitialize the chipset (MB only)
38h Shadow system BIOS ROM
39h Reinitialize the cache (MB only)
3Ah Autosize cache
3Ch Configure advanced chipset registers
3Dh Load alternate registers with CMOS valuesnew
40h Set Initial CPU speed new
42h Initialize interrupt vectors
44h Initialize BIOS interrupts
45h POST device initialization
46h Check ROM copyright notice
47h Initialize manager for PCI option ROMs
48h Check video configuration against CMOS RAM data
49h Initialize PCI bus and devices
4Ah Initialize all video adapters in system
4Bh Display QuietBoot screen
4Ch Shadow video BIOS ROM
4Eh Display BIOS copyright notice
50h Display CPU type and speed
51h Initialize EISA motherboard
52h Test keyboard
54h Set key click if enabled
56h Enable keyboard
58h Test for unexpected interrupts
59h Initialize POST display service
5Ah Display prompt "Press F2 to enter SETUP"
5Bh Disable CPU cache
5Ch Test RAM between 512 and 640 KB
60h Test extended memory
62h Test extended memory address lines
64h Jump to UserPatch1