2.Internal HDD
The HDD line-up has changed. The figure below indicates each product and its successor.
Current and successor HDDs of the same size can be used together in the same physical pack.
Figure 2
Main unit Product Current HDD Succesor HDD Remarks
Product ID Product ID
C300 series Hard disk drive-4GB GP5-HD4G5 GP5-HD4G51
GP5-HD4G5B For mounting in 5" bay
Hard disk drive-9GB GP5-HD9G2 GP5-HD9G3
GP5-HD9G3B For mounting in 5" bay
C800 series Hard disk drive-4GB GP5-HD4G5 GP5-HD4G51
Hard disk drive-4GB GP5-HDH44 GP5-HDH461 Can be used with GP5-HDH46
Hard disk drive-9GB GP5-HD9G3 GP5-HD9G3
Hard disk drive-9GB GP5-HDH92 GP5-HDH96 Can be used with GP5-HDH95
G800 series Hard disk drive-4GB GP5-HDH44 GP5-HDH461 Can be used with GP5-HDH46
Hard disk drive-4GB GP5-HDH46 GP5-HDH461
Hard disk drive-9GB GP5-HDH92 GP5-HDH96 Can be used with GP5-HDH95
Hard disk drive-9GB GP5-HDH95 GP5-HDH96
L800 series Hard disk drive-4GB GP5-HDH45 GP5-HDH451
M800 series Hard disk drive-9GB GP5-HDH93 GP5-HDH97
Hard disk drive-9GB GP5-HDH94 GP5-HDH98
Hard disk drive-18GB GP5-HDH81 GP5-HDH84
Hard disk drive-18GB GP5-HDH82 GP5-HDH85
Successor products of the same size can be used as additional HDD in a physical pack that contains current/previous products.
Available SCSI card for C300i
(1) GP5C377/378/379 (Ultra2 Wide)
Connected device
SCSI card Channel Cable Remarks
Internal HDD GP5-126 Internal Channel
GP5-839 Up to four HDDs
Internal Backup device GP5-126 Internal Channel
GP5-127 Internal Channel
GP5-840 When using EIDE HDD or
RAID, GP5-127 must be
used instead of GP5-126*
Hard disk cabinet GP5-127 External Channel
(2) GP5C300-375 (Ultra wide)
Connected device
SCSI card Channel Cable Remarks
Internal HDD (SCSI) GP5-125 Internal Channel
GP5-837 Up to four HDDs
Internal Backup device GP5-125 Internal Channel
Hard disk cabinet GP5-125 External Channel
# of SCSI Channel of each SCSI card is as below:
SCSI card Internal External
GP5-125 2(68pin+50pin) 1(68pin)
GP5-126 2(68pin+50pin) 1(68pin)
GP5-127 1(68pin) 1(68pin)
*SCSI card (GP5-126) is required for connecting SCSI HDD