Pin No. Symbol I/O Descriptions
1VCCO Output circuit power supply terminal (Connect to same potential as VCC pin.)
2 VH O Power supply terminal for FET drive circuit (VH = V
CC − 5 V)
3 OUT1 O External Pch MOS FET gate drive terminal
4 VS1 I Overcurrent protection circuit input terminal
Overcurrent protection circuit detection resistor connection terminal. Set
overcurrent detection reference voltage depending on external resistor and
internal current resource (110 µA at RT = 24 kΩ)
PWM comparator block (PWM) input terminal. Compares the lowest voltage
among FB1 and DTC terminals with triangular wave and controls output.
Power supply terminal for reference power supply and control circuit
(Connect to same potential as the VCCO terminal)
8CSCP Timer-latch short-circuit protection capacitor connection terminal
9 FB1 O Error amplifier (Error Amp 1) output terminal
10 −INE1 I Error amplifier (Error Amp 1) inverted input terminal
11 CS1 Soft-start capacitor connection terminal
12 RT Triangular wave oscillation frequency setting resistor connection terminal
13 CT Triangular wave oscillation frequency setting capacitor connection terminal
14 CS2 Soft-start capacitor connection terminal
15 −INE2 I Error amplifier (Error Amp 2) inverted input terminal
16 FB2 O Error amplifier (Error Amp 2) output terminal
17 VREF O Reference voltage output terminal
18 GND
Output circuit ground terminal (Connect to same potential as GNDO
19 DTC2 I
PWM comparator block (PWM) input terminal. Compares the lowest voltage
among FB2 and DTC terminals with triangular wave and controls output.
20 ILIM2 I
Overcurrent protection circit detection resistor connection terminal. Set
overcurrent detection reference voltage depending on external resistor and
internal current resource (110 µA at RT = 24 kΩ)
21 VS2 I Overcurrent protection circuit input terminal
22 OUT2 O External Pch MOS FET gate drive terminal
23 GNDO Output circuit ground terminal (Connect to same potential as GND terminal.)
24 CTL I
Power supply control terminal. Setting the CTL terminal at “L” level places IC
in the standby mode.