
SK-91F467-FLEXRAY V1.1
Jumpers and Switches
© Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH - 19 - FMEMCU-UG-910017-11
Dip-Switch S5
(default setting)
1 2 3 4
MD0 MD1 MD2 nc
3 Jumpers and Switches
This chapter describes all jumpers and switches that can be modified on the starter kit. The
default setting is shown with a grey shaded area.
3.1 MCU Operating-Mode (S5)
The DIP-switch S5 is used to set the operating mode of the MCU. Ensure that the mode pin
settings correspond to the operation-mode of the application. For more detailed information
please check the Hardware-Manual of the microcontroller.
DIP switch Setting Logical value
ON (closed) 1 (high)
S5/1 (MD0)
OFF (open) 0 (low)
ON (closed) 1 (high)
S5/2 (MD1)
OFF (open) 0 (low)
ON (closed) 1 (high)
S5/3 (MD2)
OFF (open) 0 (low)
ON (closed) Not connected
S5/4 (Not used)
OFF (open) Not connected
Default: grey
Table 3-1: MCU Operating Mode
By default, the “Single Chip Run-Mode” of MB91F467DA is selected.
Figure 3-1: MCU Mode Switch