3. Using ScanSnap Organizer in Various Ways
3. When the “Scan2E-mail – Set a password” dialog box appears, enter the
password and click [OK].
When you don’t need to set a password to open the PDF file attached to the e-mail message,
click the [Cancel] button. Then click [Yes] which is shown on the “Do you want to continue
the process without setting ‘Document Open Password’ for those PDF files?” dialog box.
● The “Scan2E-mail – Set a password” dialog box appears only when the following
conditions are met.
- You select [Tools] -> “Options” dialog box -> [E-mail] tab and mark the”When
attaching a PDF file, add a ‘Document Open Password’” checkbox.
- Selected files are the ones that can be password protected.
● Only the PDF files created with the ScanSnap can be password-protected by
ScanSnap Organizer.
● You cannot set a password for files that “Document Open Password”, digital
signatures are already applied to.
4. Operate the e-mail program to send the e-mail.
● An e-mail program selected in the "E-mail" drop-down list on the [Programs] tab of the
"Internet Options" dialog box will be used; to display the "Internet Options" dialog box,
select the [Tools] menu within the Internet Explorer browser, and then select [Internet
Options]. An e-mail program that cannot be set here is not available.
Operations with the following e-mail programs have been verified.
• Microsoft
Mail (supplied as a part of Windows Vista)
• Microsoft
2003 / 2007
• Microsoft
Outlook Express 6
• Eudora
• Thunderbird Version
* Start Thunderbird to be ready to send/receive E-mail before performing
Scan2E-mail function.
● Even an e-mail program selected in the "E-mail" drop-down list on the [Programs] tab
of the "Internet Options" dialog box may not interact accurately. In such case, contact
the e-mail program selling agency.
Although some e-mail programs may not display the size of the attached file properly,
the size of the actually attached file is correct.
● It has been confirmed that attached file extensions are changed if sending attached
files by e-mail failed when the following conditions are met