XG Series User's Guide Chapter 5 Command Reference
Mode and Terminal Operation Commands
*1: Display that cannot be retraced is invalid.
When specifying a line number, specify the line number on the screen. If a one-line
command output exceeds the specified number of columns on the screen, it is handled
as multiple lines on the screen. The line number begins with 1.
The search prompt is expressed by a slash (/) or question mark (?), which makes it
possible to enter a search pattern. The allowable search pattern is 76 or fewer characters
in length. When the allowable number of screen columns is less than 80, a search pattern
input with 80 or over 80 columns results in a picture distortion. In this case, redisplay the
The following lists the special characters available for search pattern. For other
characters, the characters themselves are subject to searching.
If the target character string is found in the search process, it is highlighted.
If not found, the following prompt will appear. Press the [RETURN] key. Pressing
[CTRL+C] will halt the display of command output.
w Skip one screen backward after specifying the number of lines for one
screen *1
j ^J e ^E ^N
↓ RETURN Skip one screen forward or specified number of lines forward (show all
of the skipped lines)
k ^K y ^Y ^P ↑ Skip one screen backward or specified number of lines backward
(show all of the skipped lines) *1
d ^D Skip half screen forward after specifying the number of lines for half
u ^U Skip half screen backward after specifying the number of lines for half
screen *1
g < Show the first screen or all of the lines that follow the specified line
number *1
G > Show the last screen or all of the lines that follow the specified line
/search pattern Search forward (specified number of times) *1
?search pattern Search backward (specified number of times) *1
n Search forward again *1
N Search backward again *1
M-x Execute x (any command) without exit after showing to the end
r ^R ^L Show screen again *1
^G Show information (number of lines, number of bytes, ratio)
h H Show help (list for key bind)
q Q ^C Exit
Special characters Search target
. An arbitrary character
^ Head of line (Use with a combination of other characters)
$ End of line (Use with a combination of other characters)
\< Start word (Use with a combination of other characters)
\> Quit word (Use with a combination of other characters)
\x x (x shall be any character except < >)
MORE: pattern not found (press RETURN)
Key inputs Operations