8.6 Pre-Maintenance Preparations
Before sending the scanner for maintenance, the user data store and system settings
should be backed up.
z "Backing up the User Data Store" (page 178) from "4.15.1 Maintaining the User
Data Store" (page 177)
z "4.15.2 Maintaining the System Settings" (page 181)
After backing up the user data store and system settings, the original data may be
deleted. Refer to the following sections for details.
If the hard disk is replaced, all settings will revert to their factory default values.
z "Clearing the User Data Store" (page 180) from "4.15.1 Maintaining the User Data
Store" (page 177)
z "To reset system settings to factory defaults, press the [Reset] button for [Reset
system settings to factory defaults and clear logs.]." (page 184) from "4.15.2
Maintaining the System Settings" (page 181)
The user data store may contain private information such as e-mail addresses or fax
numbers, so care should be taken when managing such data.