
12 Introducing the PenCentra 200 H/PC Pro
Microsoft H/PC 2000 Applications 1
Terminal Server Client
Allows you to log on to a Windows NT server that has Terminal Server software
installed and to use all the programs on the NT system.
Application Launcher
Allows you to determine which applications are launched with the system
Handwriting Recognition Applications 1
Windows CE 2.11 Systems 1
Along with the Microsoft Windows® CE applications, FPC has included the
CalliGrapher® application. CalliGrapher is a full-featured technology
that recognizes all handwriting styles: cursive, print, or mixed. The following list lists
some of the features of the CalliGrapher program:
Optimized to work with color Windows CE-based device.
Reliably recognizes cursive, printed, and mixed handwriting from a wide range
of handwriting styles
Integrates with all Windows CE applications
Includes vocabulary checker and spell-checker with a user dictionary
On-screen pop-up keyboard
Microsoft H/PC 2000 Systems 1
The H/PC 2000 systems include two handwriting recognizers from Communication
Intelligence Corporation: Jot and Handwriter for HPC 2000. Jot offers single character
recognition, providing immediate user feedback. Handwriter provides full context
natural character recognition with complete macro and gesture support. The
following list describes some of the features of the program:
Data input is more natural. No special symbols or characters to memorize. Jot
allows users to input text by using standard upper and lower case printed letters that
offer ready-to-go recognition of printed characters without requiring any training.
Full-Screen Support. Jot enables users to input text on the full screen or in the
input panel area. Jot supports writing in place so that you can write one letter on
top of another and never run out of screen space.