Operator control
Connection o f external devices
Connection to S CART1 / SCART2
Externaldevices such asthe followingcan be connec -
ted to SCART1 and SCART2:DVD player, DVD recor-
der, video recorder, set top boxes and camcorders.
In addition SCART1 has the facility to connect RGB
In addition SCART2 has the facility to connect YC
If you have selected the input SCART1 or SCART2
with the [VIDEO] button, you can effect the settings
described below.
S Press the [MENU] button to open the main menu.
S With the button [ Y]or[B] select the <Setup> menu
and press the button [
S Select <Inputs> [Y]/[B] and press the button ["].
S Select the desired menu option (function) with the
button [Y]or[B].
S Select the setting [A]/["].
S To close the menu press the red button.
This function must be On, if automatic switching-over
to the corresponding SCART input is to take place
when the set is switched on to SCART1 or SCART2.
S SCART:ifa switch voltageis pending at pin 16 from
an external device, the LCD/plasma TV switches
over automatically to the pending RGB signal.
Otherwise a CVBS signal is reproduced.
S Always: reproduction of an RGB signal only
S Unused: reproduction of a CVBS signal only
S Always: reproduction of a YC signal
S Unused: reproduction of a CVBS signal
This function detects whether the broadcast picture
material is an original cinema film and optimizes the
picture quality. This function is deactivated as stan-
dard. To activate this function, set the menu option
<FILM Mode> to On.
This function is especially recommended if using a
DVD player.
Format detection
Select the signal (level) for format detection.
Two options are available for selection:
S Switch voltage
Evaluationofthesignaltopin8o ftheSCARTsok-
S Software
Detectionof letterbox filmson the basis of theblack
bars at the top and bottom.
16 : 9 format (effective only for the formatAuto Zoom!)
The menu option <16 : 9 format> is active only if
the switch voltage is set under the menu option
<Format detection>.
S Letterbox: Picture is stretched horizontally and ver-
tically to full screen.
S Anamorphic: Picture is stretched horizontally only
to full screen.
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