16-bit Proprietary F
MC-16L/16LX/16F Family
Support Tools
16L/LX/F Family
Support tools
5. Cooperation
In cooperation with SOFTUNE Workbench, the following SOFTUNE components help improve the quality of C-language
programming, which greatly increases reviewing and documentation efficiency.
1) SOFTUNE C Checker
Designed to meet the following requests from beginners through advanced users:
• Eliminate all coding mistakes.
• Review programs quickly and efficiently.
• Enable even C-language beginners to create quality code.
• Maximize coding skills.
• Use software assets on Fujitsu CPUs.
The S
OFTUNE C Checker checks code for maintainability, methods of expanding specifications and transportability;
indicates areas where quality and performance could be improved; and reports these results to the user. The user
can then review the C-language code.
(1) Outline
Recent software for embedded microcontrollers has been developed in the C language. However, it is difficult to
understand messages output from a compiler unless the language specifications are well known.
This development support tool checks C-source programs to display and print advice for better quality and
performance. It also has a facility for selecting necessary advice carefully.
(2) Features
• Outputs advice suitable for objectives: Portability, coding error, performance, porting to Fujitsu CPU
• Allows customization to a programmer level.
• Works with C compilers for Fujitsu microcontrollers.
• Provides easy operation and simple display over a GUI.
(3) Advising Function
The following pieces of advice are given. “Reason of check”, “Example of program”, “Suggestion of correction”, and
“One-point advice” are displayed and explained for each check item.
• Portability
This tool makes a close check on the items “processing-definded operation” and “undefined operation” which can
be a problem in portability in the ANSI standard.
It also gives an explanation of the operation of C compilers (Fcc911, Fcc907 and Fcc896) for Fujitsu
For example, the tool gives the user proper advice on many problems (such as a data type acceptable to a
structure, code, and its arrangement at the time of porting).
• Coding error
This tool indicates the items which are not wrong in the language specifications but may cause an error and the
items which are logically inconsistent.
For example, the equivalent expression "if (a==0)" in the if statement is likely to be typed as the assignment
expression "if (a=0)" by mistake. Most compilers cannot detect such an error.
• Performance
This tool indicates the items which generally provide better performance and the items which are essential and
effective for the FR family and F
MC-16 family.
Stress is especially, put on the detection of object size reduction which can be a problem in software for
embedded microcontrollers.
For example, if a function return value is a structure of the double type, an area is reserved for the return value
and an object to be transferred to the area is output.
This tool advises the user to transfer the function return value by a pointer and largely reduce the objects size.
• Porting to Fujitsu CPU’s
This tool advises the user what to consider in porting exsting software from other makers’ CPU to Fujitsu CPU in
the FR family and F
MC-16 family.
For example, in porting software resources created for the F
MC-16 family to the FR family, this tool advises the
user to delete the expansion specifications (__far, __near, and __direct etc.) inherent to the F
16 family.