SK-TSC-1125S User Guide
© Fujitsu Microelectronics Europe GmbH - 13 -
3 Basic Tuning Process using the Command Line Interface
and a PC Terminal Program
The SK-TSC-1125S kit can also be used together with a demo application running on the
SK-16FX-EUROSCOPE to adapt settings like sensitivity and other parameters in the running
application and to optimize performance.
Here for, only a terminal program is needed on the PC, so it is platform independent. The
Fujitsu Startkerkit Wizard is recommended for this, as it supports the ‘Form Feed’ command
which is used for the monitoring modes explained later in this document.
Please note that the SK Wizard only supports UART numbers 1-4. For this reason, the
UART used for terminal communication has to be COM1-4 on the PC. If this is not the case
(often the SK16FX will have a higher COM port number), the assigned COM port number
has to be changed in the control panel (Device Manager -> Ports (COM & LPT) -> right-click
on ‘FUJITSU Microcontroller Board (COMx)’ -> Properties -> Port Settings -> Advanced)
Open the SK Wizard or Terminal Program and connect to the UART (8N1, 115200 baud)
and type ‘help<ENTER>’ for a list of available commands. The most important will be also
explained in the following.
‘mon’ Numerically monitor current impedance values and touch status
‘mon2’ Graphically monitor current impedance values and touch status
Bars turn from ‘ | ’ to ‘ * ’ when pad is active
‘moff’ Turn off monitoring
‘srd nn’ Set Reference Delay to nn (0-127, decimal). A lower value moves all
Bars (mon2 mode) to the right, a higher to the left.
‘sa nn mm’ Set Alpha (sensitivity) of channel nn to value mm (0-127, decimal)
‘sax mm’ Set all Alphas (PA0-7) to mm (0-127, decimal)
‘sv’ Show current values of Alpha and Reference Delay
‘wr’ Issue a Warm Reset to the TSC (activate settings + force calibration)
‘id=0xnn’ Select Chip ID nn (hex) for tuning
‘rst’ Reset all TSCs to the power-up firmware defaults used by the demo
‘dump’ Print out current register settings
‘set nn mm’ Set register nn (hex) to mm (decimal)
‘setx nn mm’ Set register nn (hex) to mm (hex)
‘rd nn’ Read register x (hex)
‘sf p t’ Set TSC internal low pass filter to period p and threshold t (p>t)
(touch will be signalled when more than t samples during one period p
are active, p and t <= 15)
‘a+nn’ Increment all Alpha values by nn
‘a-nn’ Decrement all Alpha values by nn
‘stp n’ Store current parameters to Flash preset n (n = 0…9)
‘ldp n’ Load preset n from Flash and write to TSC registers