6. Product Specifications
■ General specifications
The general specifications of a MCU board is shown in Table 9.
Table 9 General specifications
■ Functional explanation
The functional specifications of a MCU board is shown in Table 10, and the functional block dia-
gram is shown in Figure 12.
Table 10 MCU board functional specifications
Item Specification
The MCU board for F
MC-8FX MB95FV100-103
Part number MB2146-303
Power supply
Evaluation MCU
+ 5.0V (UVcc)
MCU board power supply
+ 5.0V
(It supplies from a user system)
Frequency of operation Max. 16MHz
Operating temperature 5 °C to 35 °C
Operating humidity 20 % to 80 % (No condensation is allowed.)
Dimensions 40.0mm (W) × 40.0mm (D) × 14.6mm (H)
Weight 13g
Item Description
MCU board function
Serves as the adapter used in combination with the BGM adapter and
header board to provide connection between the BGM adapter and evalu-
ation MCU and between the evaluation MCU and user system.
Serve for clock selection, APB8 bus output selection, C-pin setting, clock
selection, product selection, low-voltage detection setting, and voltage se-
Jumper plugs
The jumper plugs on the MCU board can be used to make various settings
for low-voltage detection and clock selection.
Clock mounting socket
The crystal oscillator mounted socket on the MCU board is used to supply
clock signals to the main clock (X0/X1) and sub clock (X0A/X1A) pins
on the evaluation MCU from the MCU board.