46 SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server Administration Guide • July 2009
Note – By default, when displaying information ALOM CMT commands limit their
output to a terse format, offering more verbose output if a –v flag is supplied with
the command. ILOM’s show commands do not have a terse output format. They
always provide verbose output.
TABLE: ALOM CMT Shell Configuration Commands
ALOM CMT Command Summary Comparable ILOM Command
password Changes the login password of the
current user.
set /SP/users/username
restartssh Restarts the SSH server so that new
host keys generated by the
ssh-keygen command are reloaded.
set /SP/services/ssh
setdate [[mmdd]HHMM
Sets ALOM CMT date and time. set /SP/clock datetime=value
setdefaults –a
Resets all ALOM CMT configuration
parametersto their default values. The
–a option resets the user information
to the factory default (one admin
account only).
set /SP reset_to_defaults=
set /SP reset_to_defaults=
Sets the status of the virtual
keyswitch. Setting the virtual
keyswitch to standby (stby) powers
off the server. Before powering off the
host server, ALOM CMT asks for a
set /SYS keyswitch_state=
setsc [param][value] Sets the specified ALOM CMT
parameter to the assigned value.
set target property=value
setupsc Runs the interactive configuration
script. This script configures the
ALOM CMT configuration variables.
No equivalent in ILOM
showplatform [–v] Displays information about the host
system’s hardware configuration, and
whether the hardware is providing
service. The –v option displays
verbose information about the
displayed components.
show /HOST
showfru Displays information about the
field-replaceable units (FRUs) in a host
No equivalent in ILOM