TX200 S6 Operating Manual 97
CSS components Handling hard disk drives and HDD modules
Hard disk drives incorporated in the HDD modules are highly sensitive
electromagnetic devices and must be handled with great care. Incorrect
handling can cause partial or total failure of the hard disk drives. These failures
can result in data errors and to a loss of data or to total corruption of the hard
disk drive.
Observe the following rules to prevent such problems occurring:
● Only store and transport HDD modules within the limits stipulated in the
● When transporting HDD modules (even over short distances), always use
the original packaging (ESD label).
● Never expose HDD modules to a temperature shock. Avoid the formation of
condensation inside and on the outside of the hard disk drive.
The HDD module must be acclimatized in its operating environment
for an acclimatization time before it is started up for the first time.
● Always set the HDD module down carefully, with the large surface facing
downwards to prevent it from tipping over.
Temperature difference (°C)
(operating environment/
Minimum acclimatization time
10 5
15 7
20 8
25 9
30 10
Table 2: Acclimatization times for HDD modules