
70 ServerView Event Manager
Making pager settings (COM port and modem)
Time Model Time model indicating when an alarm is to be forwarded.
Select a predefined time model from the drop-down list. You
can set your own time model via the Time Model Settings tab.
Retry Delay Delay in minutes between two pager attempts.
Do not select too short a time, as calls to a pager can be
delayed by a few minutes by the service provider. Also bear in
mind the time required to reach the server management
station. This delay can be around five or more minutes.
Retries Maximum number of attempts to forward an alarm to a pager
before a message appears.
Pager Type Type of the pager (signal/numeric/alpha/SMS1 Service/
SMS2 Service/NTT Service)
I If you select the wrong pager type, the transmission will
be ignored because of an invalid communication
Name Meaning
Table 11: Input fields in the Mail Settings window