XG2000 series User's Guide
All Rights Reserved, Copyright (C) PFU LIMITED 2009
z Timezone
Displays the current time zone settings.
If the time zone settings were changed, the new settings are displayed in the “Next Boot”
area. Once the system is restarted the new settings appear as the Timezone setting.
z Summer-Time
Displays the current summer time settings.
If the summer time settings were changed, the new settings are displayed in the “Next Boot”
area. Once the system is restarted the new settings appear as the Summer-time setting.
z RS232C Baud-Rate
Displays the serial (RS-232C) baud rate.
z Management LAN Information
Displays the current status of the management LAN interface.
− MAC Address
Displays the MAC address.
− IP Address/Mask
Displays the IP address and the subnet mask bit length.
− Default Gateway
Displays the IP address of the default gateway.
− DNS Server
Displays the IP address of the DNS server.
− Domain Name
Displays the domain name.
z System Load Information
− CPU Used Ratio
Displays the CPU usage ratio.
− Memory Used Size
Displays both the currently used size of memory and the current memory usage ratio.