How to connect to the internet
Follow the procedure shown below to connect to the internet.
Note 1: You cannot connect to the internet if the main display of the web software
shows “Data connection No permission”.
Note 2: You can connect to the internet via PPPoE. See page 6-42.
1. Click [Main] in the menu bar.
2. Click [Data connection] in the sub menu to show the following display.
Your Data connection list looks something like the one shown below. This list
shows the groups registered in the PC in use. See section 6.1.5 for how to create
the connection list. If you are logged in as Administrator, the [Disconnect all con-
nection] button appears, which lets you disconnect all connections. The connec-
tion list for all group/PPPoE session* is shown. * PPPoE session shown during
data connection. The Application windows shows “---”.
Note: The [Refresh] button updates the list.
3. Click the [Connect] button of the service to use. When connecting, the message
"Now connecting..." displays. When connected, the message "***connection suc-
cess." appears.
Note: If connection fails, the message "***connection failure." appears.
4. Click the [OK] button to close the message. The Status window shows “Connect-
ed” and the label on the button in the Operation window shows “Disconnect.”
5. To use multiple data services, repeat steps 3 - 4.
Note: It is not possible to use the same application that is already connected. Dis-
connect the service, and reconnect.
When connected to the internet, the connection list is displayed as shown:
Example: Standard IP packet, 32 kbps streaming IP packet communications
• The first service for each group has a P mark, and "---" appears in the [Applica-
tion] field. The second and subsequent service for each group has an S mark.
Number of lines connected/total number of lines
Service Application Connection Status
Group name/PPPoE session name registered
to connection list
Connection list
P Mark
S Mark