Electro-Voice® EVA Series User Manual10
3.0 Designing an EVA Array (cont’)
Producing the most uniform front-to-back coverage is an iterative process. In general, it will be found that:
1. The top-most module will be aimed above the last-row heads. This may appear to aim ar-
ray output at the back wall, which if reflective could produce audible delayed signals in the
front of the room. However, reference to the 3,000- and 8,000-Hz vertical polar responses
shows that maximum array output is aimed at the rear-most heads, not at the rear wall.
2. The lower modules will be attenuated. This is required because the lower modules are so
much closer to the seats they cover than are the upper modules.
Coverage uniformity of ±3 dB front to back is a good goal for mid and high frequencies. At 500 Hz and
below, such uniformity may not be attainable, particularly for short arrays (see additional comments in Sec-
tion 3.41).
Figure 4:
Main tab, where the array is built and performance is displayed in three frequency bands