
Find ‘N Go
Finding a Last Found Place
You can use the Recently Found Places option to locate Points of Interest, Cities, Waypoints
or Contacts and Intersections and other locations you have recently retrieved. The process for
finding recent points from the Find ‘N Go list is the same as finding a regular waypoint.
To find a ‘Last Found Place’:
1. Use the THUMB STICK to select the ‘Last Found Places’ option from the Find ‘N Go List and
then press it IN.
2. Press UP or DOWN on the
THUMB STICK to highlight the desired sub-page button, which
will display the options list for that sub-page (Points of Interest, Cities, Waypoints/Contacts
or Intersections) to the left.
3. Press LEFT then UP or DOWN on the
THUMB STICK to highlight an item on the list and
press the THUMB STICK IN to display the Information Page for that item. Press RIGHT to
return to the sub-page buttons.
4. With the Information Page displayed, you can select ‘Goto’ to create a direct line of travel
to the item. Select ‘Map’ to view the waypoint location or select ‘OK’. For Waypoints and
Contacts, you may also choose to ‘Delete’ to permanently remove that item.
5. Use the page Option Menu to send the location of that point, project a new waypoint from
its location, set a proximity circle, add the item to an existing route, or view sun/moon or
hunt/fish position data for this time and date.
Last Found Places Page