6 System Operation Cycle Functions
Rev A
System Operation Cycle Functions
1. Service (Downflow)
Untreated water is directed down through the resin bed and up
through the riser tube. The hardness ions attach themselves to the
resin and are removed from the water. The water is conditioned as it
passes through the resin bed.
2. Backwash (Upflow)
The flow of water is reversed by the control valve and directed down
the riser tube and up through the resin bed. During the backwash
cycle, the bed is expanded and debris is flushed to the drain.
3. Brine/Slow Rinse (Downflow)
The control directs water through the brine injector and brine is drawn
from the regenerant tank. The brine is then directed down through the
resin bed and up through the riser tube to the drain. The hardness ions
are displaced by sodium ions and are sent to the drain. The resin is
regenerated during the brine cycle. Brine draw is completed when the
air check closes.
4. Repressurized Cycle (Hard Water Bypass Flapper Open)
This cycle allows the air and water to hydraulically balance in the
valve before continuing the regeneration.
5. Fast Rinse (Downflow)
The control directs water down through the resin bed and up through
the riser tube to the drain. Any remaining brine residual is rinsed from
the resin bed.
6. Brine Refill
Water is directed down through the resin bed to the regenerant tank
at a controlled rate, to create brine for the next regeneration.