Z Series RO System by GE Osmonics
5. Observe the supply and waste pressures and record values in the operation log.
Allow water temperatures to stabilize before recording results to prevent errors
due to fluctuating temperatures.
6. Observe the waste and product flow rates and record values in the operation log.
Allow water temperatures to stabilize before recording results to prevent errors
due to fluctuating temperatures.
7. Observe the percent rejection and TDS water quality readings and record values
in the operation log.
8. Measure the feed water temperature and record value in the operation log.
9. Purge air from submersible pump housing (if applicable).
10. Verify the product water flow is diverted to drain and the Product Divert Lamp is
illuminated during start up of the RO unit for the preset time.
11. Observe the normal illumination of the visual indicators on the Temperature
Alarm Monitor.
4.1.2 Monthly Maintenance
1. Check the pre-filter at least monthly for core discoloration. If discoloration is
observed the pre-filters will require more frequent changing or additional pre-
filtration. Reference section 4.2.4, Pre-Filter Cartridge Replacement Procedure if
a change is required.
4.1.3 Quarterly Maintenance
Cleaning and disinfecting should occur at least quarterly for maximum membrane life.
1. Clean the RO membranes. Reference the RO membrane cleaning procedures in
sections 4.3.1 and/or 4.3.2. The RO should be disinfected after cleaning.
2. Disinfect the RO machine. Reference the membrane disinfection procedures in
section 4.4.
3. Perform the Product Water Divert operation verifications as referenced in section
4. Perform Temperature Alarm Monitor operation verifications as referenced in
section 4.2.3.
1238339b – 16Oct03 4 - 4 Routine Maintenance