
2. Turn the Group or Scene ON by Pressing and releasing
the right side of the desired button. The amber LED will
blink twice.
a. When activating a Group, lights controlled by GE Z-Wave
dimmers will turn on to their last brightness level. Other
brands may act differently.
b. When activating a Scene, incandescent lights controlled
by Z-Wave dimmers will turn on to the brightness level
established during the Scene setup.
3. Turn the Group or Scene OFF by Pressing and releasing the
left side (OFF) of the desired button. The amber LED will
blink twice.
NOTE: One of your Z-Wave devices may have failed (or been
moved) if the response time between pressing the On/Off
button and the activation of the lights in that Group or Scene
seems to take longer than normal. Z-Wave’s mesh network
technology relies on accurate routing tables and the ability
of one device to relay the command signals to the other
devices. Please use your primary controller to verify the
operation of all the devices in your control network and if
necessary, replace any defective devices. After confirming
that everything is working properly, perform a “Network
Recovery” with your primary controller to rebuild the routing
tables and then update the keypad controller to restore
normal operation.
Excluding Device from Network
This controller can be excluded (removed from) your network
so that it no longer appears in your primary controller’s list of
network devices.