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/ Photo Mode
Photo mode contains three capture modes: Single, Continuous
and Night.
Capture Mode Description
Single (default) Captures a single photo.
Captures a series of photos continuously
while holding down the Shutter/Select
button [
Captures a single photo with a customizable
exposure time up to 30 seconds. For available
exposure times and examples of when to use
them, see Shutter in Photo Settings.
PRO TIP: For Night photo, be sure to use the right Shutter setting for
the situation. For details, see Shutter in Photo Settings.
/ Photo Mode
1. Swipe le to display the camera modes, and then tap the middle
icon in the upper row (Photo mode).
2. If necessary, select a different photo capture mode (Single or Night):
a. Swipe up to open the settings menu.
b. Tap Mode, and then tap the desired capture mode.
c. Swipe down to close the settings menu. The icon for the
selected capture mode appears in the upper le on your
camera displays.
3. Press the Shutter/Select button [
]. The camera beeps two
times, the camera status lights flash and the counter on the
camera status screen increases by one.