311594Z 31
Motor/Coupler is Difficult to Remove
NOTE: Use this procedure only if, after performing steps
1-3 on page 30, the motor does not come off the gear
reducer easily.
NOTE: During the following procedure, if the coupler
becomes separated from the motor shaft but remains
stuck on the input shaft, use the 15J827 coupler
removal tool (T) as shown in F
. 22.
1. Use a mechanical lift and straps capable of support-
ing a minimum of 100 lb (45 kg) to support the
motor. Pull the supported motor away from the gear
reducer in a straight line, while at the same time
forcing the back of the motor up and down by hand
to loosen the motor shaft from the input shaft.
2. Continuing to support the motor, use a large
flat-head screwdriver to pry the motor flange away
from the gear reducer flange.
If the motor does not
pull away in a straight line,
stop immediately and
go to step 3.
3. Remove both setscrews from the coupler. If neces-
sary, manually rotate the fan at the rear of the motor
to access the setscrews.
4. Spray a generous amount of penetrating lubricant
(such as Liquid Wrench
L112 or equivalent) in the
setscrew holes. Allow time for the lubricant to pene-
trate around the shaft. Repeat steps 1 and 2.
5. If the motor still will not separate from the gear
reducer, repeat step 4 as necessary. If the motor
separates but the coupler is still seized on the motor
shaft, go to step 6.
6. Ensure that the motor fan cage is in place. Gently tip
the motor on end, with the fan cage down. Spray a
generous amount of penetrating lubricant into the
open end of the input shaft bore. Allow time for the
lubricant to penetrate downward around the motor
shaft. Using a pliers, pull the coupler off the shaft.
Repeat application of lubricant until the coupler can
be easily removed with a pliers.
. 22. Motor Coupler Removal