Trouble Shooting
If check is OK, go to next check
When check is not OK refer to this column
D Sprayer does not
1. Check if error code is displayed, page 9. 1. Refer to your repair manual.
D Sprayer will not prime
or takes too long to
1. Air in paint pump 1. Open prime valve to purge air from paint
2. Inlet strainer clogged 2. Clean strainer
3. Suction tube is loose 3. Tighten fittings
4. Lower ball is stuck
NOTE: Caused by insufficient cleaning and/or
not leaving paint thinner in sprayer.
4. Clean lower ball
D Sprayer loses prime
while spraying
1. Suction tube is loose 1. Tighten fittings
2. Lower ball not sealing on down stroke 2. Check for:
• Large debris holding ball open
• Worn or scarred lower ball
• Inlet strainer not being used
D Sprayer does not
have enough pres-
sure at gun or pres-
sure drops off
1. Spray tip worn out 1. Replace spray tip
2. Filters clogged 2. Clean filters
3. Filtration being used for wrong coatings
(i.e. block fillers, elastomerics)
3. Operate with no filter or change coating
4. Wrong size filter mesh 4. Select coarser filter mesh. 30 instead of 60,
60 instead of 100
5. Hose too long and/or wrong size diameter. 5. Check sprayer instruction manual for cor-
rect size hose
D Sprayer packings
wear out too quickly
1. Operating sprayer with clogged or no inlet
1. Clean/install inlet strainer
2. Priming sprayer without using prime valve 2. Prime sprayer with prime valve
3. Upper packings have not been inspected/ad-
justed on regular basis
3. Adjust upper packings after spraying
2 – 5 gallons of paint and then weekly
4. Throat seal liquid not being used 4. Keep packing nut/wet cup 1/3 full with
throat seal liquid
5. Water or paint being left in sprayer 5. Always leave paint thinner in sprayer
6. Worn pump cylinder 6. Replace pump cylinder
7. Kinked or clogged suction tube 7. Replace suction tube
8. Spraying aggressive coatings
(i.e. low and latex, zinc coatings)
8. Use alternate packing materials. Consult
your sprayer instruction manual
9. Unrealistic expectations of packing life 9. Packing life varies with fluids sprayed and
pressures used
D Premature wear on
prime valve
1. Pressure being relieved at prime valve and
not at gun
1. Relieve pressure at gun
2. Water or paint being left in sprayer 2. Always leave mineral spirits or Pump
Armor in sprayer