Pressure Control Replacement: FinishPro 390
30 311911C
Digital Display Messages: FinishPro 395
• No display does not mean the sprayer is not
pressurized. Relieve pressure before repair.
Pressure Control Transducer:
FinishPro 395
1. Relieve pressure, page 7. Unplug sprayer.
2. Remove screws and cover.
3. Disconnect lead (E) from motor control board.
4. Remove two screws and filter housing.
5. Thread transducer lead plastic connector down
through transducer grommet.
6. Remove pressure control transducer and packing
o-ring from filter housing.
1. Install packing o-ring and pressure control trans-
ducer in filter housing. Torque to 30-35 ft-lb.
2. Thread transducer lead plastic connector up
through transducer grommet.
3. Install filter housing with two screws.
4. Connect lead to motor control board.
5. Install cover with screws.
Display Sprayer Operation Indicates What To Do
No Display Sprayer stops. Power is not applied. Sprayer
may be pressurized.
Loss of power. Check power source. Relieve
pressure before repair or disas-
3000 psi
210 bar
21 MPa
Sprayer is pressurized. Power is applied.
(Pressure varies with tip size and pressure
control setting.)
Normal operation. Spray.
E=02 Sprayer may continue to run. Power is
Pressure greater than
4500p psi (310 bar, 31
mpa) or a pressure trans-
ducer is faulty.
Replace pressure control board
or pressure transducer.
E=03 Sprayer stops. Power is applied. Pressure transducer
faulty, bad connection or
broken wire.
Check transducer connection.
Open drain valve. Substitute
new transducer for transducer
in sprayer. If sprayer runs,
replace transducer.
E=04 Sprayer stops. Power is applied. Line voltage too high. Check for voltage supply prob-
E=05 Sprayer does not start or stops. Power is
Motor fault. Check for locked rotor, shorted
wiring or disconnected motor.
Repair or replace failed parts.
- - - - Power is applied. Pressure is less than 200
psi (14 bar, 1.4 MPa)
Increase pressure if desired.
Drain valve may be open.
EMPTY Sprayer stops. Power is applied. Empty paint pail. Loss of
Refill paint pail. Check for leaks
or clogged pump inlet. Repeat
Startup procedure.