
Limited Warranty
What this limited warranty covers:
The manufacturer warrants that your Hamilton Beach® steam cleaner, model HB-165, for a
period of one year from the date of original purchase, will be free from all defects in material and
workmanship. This limited warranty is granted only to the original consumer purchaser or gift
recipient. Keep the original sales receipt, as proof of purchase is required to make a warranty
claim. This limited warranty is subject to the following provisions:
What this limited warranty does not cover:
• Expensesrelatedtopickup,deliveryorhousecalls.Youareresponsibleforallcosts
associated with returning the product or any component to us, and our returning a
product or component to you.
• Partsofthecleanerthatrequirereplacementundernormaluse.
• Damageormalfunctioncausedbyaccident,alteration,abuse,misuse,orusenotin
accordance with the Owner’s Manual.
• Damageormalfunctioncausedbyimproperserviceormaintenance,theuseofparts
other than genuine Hamilton Beach® parts or modifications made to the cleaner
without our prior written approval.
• CleanerspurchasedorusedoutsidetheUnitedStates.
This warranty is void if the product is used for other than single-family household use or
subjected to any voltage or waveform other than as specified on the rating label (e.g.,
120V ~ 60Hz).
The manufacturer will, at its option, repair or replace a defective steam cleaner or steam cleaner
part that is covered by this limited warranty. This is your exclusive remedy. As a matter of
warranty policy, the manufacturer will not refund the purchase price.
Warranty Registration:
To register for warranty please visit our website at www.essco.net and fill out a registration card.
Obtaining warranty service:
To obtain warranty service, call 888-960-0396 or e-mail us at hbvacsupport@essco.net.
If you prefer, you can write to: ESSCO
Attn: Hamilton Beach Warranty
1933 Highland Road
Twinsburg, OH 44087
When returning parts for repair, please include the model number and series number from the
data label located on the bottom of the steam cleaner.