• Before taking any measurement make sure the meter
has been calibrated.
• If the probe has been left dry, soak in a storage or pH 7
solution at least for one hour to reactivate it.
• Select the pH mode with the SET/HOLD button.
• Submerge the probe in the sample to be tested while
stirring it gently. Wait until the stability symbol on the
top left of the LCD disappears.
• The pH value automatically compensated for temperature
is shown on the primary LCD while the secondary LCD
shows the temperature of the sample.
• If measurements are taken in different samples succes-
sively, rinse the probe tip thoroughly to eliminate cross-
contamination; and after cleaning, rinse the probe tip with
some of the sample to be measured.
Calibration buffer set
• While in pH measurement mode, press and hold the
MODE button until TEMP and the current temperature unit
are displayed on the lower LCD. Eg. TEMP °C.
• Press the MODE button again to show the current buffer
set: pH 7.01 BUFF (for 4.01/7.01/10.01) or pH 6.86 BUFF (for
• Press the SET/HOLD button to change the buffer set.
• Press the MODE button to return to normal pH measure-
ment mode.
pH calibration
• While in pH measurement mode, press and hold the
MODE button until CAL is displayed on the lower LCD.
• Release the button. The LCD will display
pH 7.01 USE or pH
6.86 USE (if you have selected the NIST buffer set).
• For a single point pH calibration, place the probe in any
buffer from the selected buffer set (eg. pH 4.01 or pH 7.01
or pH 10.01). The meter will automatically recognize the
buffer value.
If using pH 7.01 (or 6.86 from the NIST buffer set), after
recognition of the buffer press the MODE button to return
to the pH measurement mode.
• For a two point pH calibration, place the probe in pH 7.01
(or 6.86, if you have selected the NIST buffer set). The
meter will recognize the buffer value and then display pH
4.01 USE.
Place the probe in the second buffer (pH 4.01 or 10.01,
or, if using NIST, pH 4.01 or 9.18). When the second buffer
is recognized, the LCD will display OK for 1 second and
the meter will return to normal measurement mode.
• Place the probe in the sample to be tested. Use plastic
beakers or containers to minimize any electromagnetic
• Select either EC or TDS mode with the SET/HOLD but-
• Tap the probe lightly on the bottom of the container to re-
move air bubbles that may be trapped inside the tip.
• Wait for a few minutes for the temperature sensor to reach
thermal equilibirium (i.e. until the stability symbol on
the top left of the LCD disappears).
• The meter will show the EC/TDS value automatically com-
pensated for temperature and the temperature of the
To change the EC/TDS conversion factor (CONV) and
the EC/TDS temperature compensation (BETA)
• While in EC/TDS measurement mode, press and hold
the MODE button until TEMP and the current temperature
unit are displayed on the lower LCD. Eg. TEMP
• Press the MODE button again to show the current con-
version factor. Eg. 0.50 CONV.
• Press the SET/HOLD button to change the conversion
• Press the MODE button to show the current temperature
compensation ß. Eg. 2.1 BETA.
• Press the SET/HOLD button to change the temperature
compensation ß.
• Press the MODE button return to normal operation.
EC calibration
• While in the EC measurement mode, press and hold the
MODE button until CAL is displayed on the lower LCD.
• Release the button and immerse the probe in HI7031
calibration solution (µS 1413 USE).
• Once the calibration has been automatically performed,
the LCD will display OK for 1 second and return to normal
measurement mode.
• Since there is a known relationship between the EC and
TDS reading, it is not necessary to calibrate the meter in
TDS. If the EC/TDS conversion factor is either 0.5 or 0.7,
the meter will allow a direct calibration in ppm by using
the Hanna calibration solutions listed below.
Press and hold the MODE button until TEMP and the cur-
rent temperature unit are displayed on the secondary LCD.
ppm ppt µS pH
- +
Low battery