Rinse the probe with clean water after measurements. If more cleaning is
required, remove the probe sleeve and clean the probe with a cloth or a
nonabrasive detergent. Make sure to reinsert the sleeve onto the probe
properly and in the right direction. After cleaning the probe, recalibrate the
The platinum rings are sustained with glass. Take great care while handling
the probe.
HI 70030P 12880 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 20 mL sachets (25 pcs.)
HI 7030L 12880 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 460 mL bottle
HI 7030M 12880 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 230 mL bottle
HI 70031P 1413 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 20 mL sachets (25 pcs.)
HI 7031L 1413 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 460 mL bottle
HI 7031M 1413 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 230 mL bottle
HI 70033P 84 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 20 mL sachets (25 pcs.)
HI 7033L 84 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 460 mL bottle
HI 7033M 84 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 230 mL bottle
HI 7034L 80000 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 460 mL bottle
HI 7034M 80000 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 230 mL bottle
HI 7035L 111800 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 460 mL bottle
HI 7035M 111800 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 230 mL bottle
HI 70039P 5000 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 20 mL sachets (25 pcs.)
HI 7039L 5000 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 460 mL bottle
HI 7039M 5000 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 230 mL bottle
HI 8030L 12880 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 460 mL FDA approved bottle
HI 8031L 1413 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 460 mL FDA approved bottle
HI 8033L 84 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 460 mL FDA approved bottle
HI 8034L 80000 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 460 mL FDA approved bottle
HI 8035L 111800 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 460 mL FDA approved bottle
HI 8039L 5000 µS/cm (µmho/cm), 460 mL FDA approved bottle
HI 7037L 100% NaCl sea water standard solution, 460 mL