• The temperature value on the primary LCD and the record number on
the secondary LCD.
Note: When the pH, mV or temperature is displayed, if SET/CLR is pressed
and hold down, the secondary LCD will display the record date.
• The time on the primary LCD, along with “TIME” tag.
• The date on the primary LCD, along with “DATE” tag.
• The calibration offset on the primary LCD and “OFS” message on the
secondary LCD.
Note: If in Ion RECALL mode, the instrument will display “----” message on
the primary LCD.
• The calibration slope (for pH or ppm range) on the primary LCD and
“SLP” message on the secondary LCD.
Note: • If in Relative mV RECALL mode, the instrument will display “----”
message on the primary LCD.
• When the time, date, year, offset or slope is displayed, if SET/CLR
is pressed and hold down, the secondary LCD will display the record