12V to 20V
• Using a small screwdriver adjust the trimmer on the rear panel
until the display shows the conductivity reading at 25°C (77°F),
e.g.: "12.88 mS" for HI7030/HI8030,
"80.00 mS" for HI7034/HI8034,
"1413 µS" for HI7031/HI8031,
"84 µS" for HI7033/HI8033.
If you are using a different reference temperature, refer to the
conductivity vs temperature charts on page 12 for the appropriate
conductivity reading at the reference temperature.
E.g. If you prefer to standardize the temperature to 20°C (68°F)
rather than 25°C (77°F), using HI7030/HI8030, adjust the trim-
mer to read "11.67 mS" i.e.11670 µS (as indicated on the chart
on page 12). All subsequent measurements will be compensated
to 20° (68°F).
The calibration is now complete.
Note: The instrument should be calibrated weekly or every time the
probe has been changed.