To take a pH measurement remove the elec-
trode protective cap and simply submerge the
tip (4cm/1½") of the electrode and the tem-
perature probe (wherever applicable) into the
sample to be tested.
Turn the instrument ON and if necessary, press RANGE until the
display changes to the pH mode.
Allow for the electrode to adjust to the solution and stabilize.
In order to take more accurate pH measurements, make sure that
the instrument is calibrated (see page 16).
It is recommended that the electrode is always kept wet and rinsed
thoroughly with the sample to be measured before use.
The pH reading is directly affected by temperature. In order for the
meter to measure the pH accurately, temperature must be taken in
consideration. If the sample temperature is quite different from the
temperature at which the pH electrode was kept, allow a few minutes
for a perfect thermal equilibrium between them.
HI 9023C, HI 9024C and HI 9025C:
To use the meter's Automatic Temperature Compensation feature,
submerge the temperature probe into the sample as close to the
electrode as possible and wait for a couple of minutes. If you know the
temperature of the sample to be tested you can manually compensate
for it.
If manual temperature compensation is desired the temperature
probe must be disconnected from the instrument.
The display will show the default temperature
of 25C or the last recorded temperature read-
ing with the "C" indicator blinking.
The temperature can now be adjusted with the
UP and DOWN keys.
4 cm
HI 9023C, HI 9023CN and HI 9210N
To use the meter's Automatic Temperature Compensation feature,
simply submerge the pH/C electrode into the sample and wait for a
couple of minutes. The pH electrode also houses the temperature
sensor which will measure and adjust for the temperature effect
HI 9110, HI 9210:
To use the meter’s Manual Temperature Compensation feature:
Press the pH/C key of HI 9110 or the RANGE key of HI 9210 to
select the manual temperature mode.
Remove the protective cap on top of the
meter to access the trimmers. Measure the
temperature of the buffer with a Checktemp
or an accurate thermometer.
Using the calibration screwdriver, turn the
temperature trimmer (#5 pages 9-10) to
display the measured temperature value.
Press the pH/C key of HI 9110 or the RANGE key of HI 9210 to
return to the pH measurement mode.
When finished, switch the instrument off and rinse the electrode
with clean water. Pour a few drops of HI 70300 storage solution,
or in its absence, pH 7 or pH 4 buffers in the protective cap and
replace it before storing away the electrode.