
* 1 NTU = 1 FTU.
HI 731318 Tissue for wiping cuvets (4 pcs)
HI 731327 Maintenance kit: rugged
carrying case including
HI93102-0 and HI93102-20
calibration solutions, HI 93703-
50 cuvet cleaning solution,
tissue for wiping cuvets and 2
HI 93102-0 AMCO-AEPA-1 calibration so-
lution @0 NTU* , 30 mL
HI 93102-20 AMCO-AEPA-1 calibration so-
lution @20 NTU*, 30 mL
HI 93701-01 Reagent kit for 100 free chlo-
rine tests
HI 93701-03 Reagent kit for 300 free chlo-
rine tests
HI 93703-50 Cuvet cleaning solution, 230
mL bottle
HI 93711-01 Reagent kit for 100 total chlo-
rine tests
HI 93711-03 Reagent kit for 300 total chlo-
rine tests
LOBAT Weak batteries: change all batter-
ies as soon as possible.
-BA- Exhausted batteries: change all bat-
teries immediately.
-LO- Low light level is received during the
zeroing procedure: check the cuvet
for scratches and ensure that the
sample is not excessively turbid.
Repeat the reading. If the problem
persists, recalibrate the meter us-
ing deionized water in the diagnos-
tic mode “31” (see “Calibration”).
-CAP- High light intensity during last mea-
surement: make sure that the cuvet
is capped and placed properly in
the holder, and that the ambient
light does not reach the photode-
tector. Repeat the measurement. If
the problem persists, contact your
dealer or the nearest HANNA office.
Er 1 Hardware error: repeat the measure-
ment. If the error message appears
again, contact your dealer or the
nearest HANNA office.
rnG Out of range: check the measuring
procedure and verify the concentra-
tion of the sample to ensure that is
not too high.