© 2007 Hasbro.
All Rights Reserved.
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Patent Pending.
09392 PN 6691320000
With the BUSY GO & GROW GIRAFFE, you and your baby have two ways
to play together.
Position your baby so that she’s facing
forward, straddling the giraffe body
with her feet resting on the base, and
holding on to the handles. Gently rock
her to get her into the rhythm. You’ll
both have fun as you encourage your
little one to discover the sensation
of rocking! The giraffe ears crinkle
and squeak—adding more sensory
stimulation for your baby.
Position your baby so that she’s
facing backward and her legs
straddle the tail/back handle. She’s
in the perfect position for you to
tickle her toes and engage her in
fun activities!
Facing Backward
Facing Forward
BEFORE YOU PLAY: Double check to make sure there are no gaps between
the giraffe body and the giraffe legs. If there are any gaps, press again
until you hear audible snaps.