TN2 Standard System Design Options
Mechanical or Electronic Meter/Turbine Options:
Size Flow Ranges Accuracy
1.5”CCMeter 0.5–60GPM +5%
2”CCMeter 1.5-150GPM +5%
1. Single Tank Systems - XT Controller
Twin, Tri-Plex & Four-Plex Systems - 3200NXT Controller
Parallel Operation
Alternating Operation
tions capabilities to link multiple valves (via off-the shelf CAT3,
CAT5, or better cables) for a variety of multiple system types as
described above.
Program Features:
• 2x16characterbacklitLCDdisplay
• Networksuptofourunits
• Auxiliaryinputsandoutputs
- Remote signal start input
- Remote lockout input
- Programmable relay output/chemical pump output
- Flow rate
- Totalizer
- Hours between last two regenerations.
- Hours since last regeneration
- Adjustable volume remaining
- Valve position
3200NXT Electronic Controller
3. Twin, Tri-Plex & Four-Plex Demand Recall Progressive
Systems - 3214NXT Controller
Three programming levels
for demand recall applications.
3214NXT Demand Flow Network Controller
grammed to bring multiple units to the service position and back
mand Flow Network Controller used on-board communication
capabilities to link multiple valves via standard CAT3, CAT5, or
better communication cables.
Program Features:
• Networktwotofourvalves
• Simple,on-sitenetworkprogramming
• Easyinstallationwithplug-inwiringharnesses
• Shiftkeyallowsdigitselectinginprogramming
• 2x16characterLCDbacklitdisplay
(letter or digit codes not needed)
• Valve,piston,andcamtypedefaultstorage
• Userandmasterprogrammingmodes
• Diagnosticmode:
- Totalizer (can be reset)
- Hours between last two regenerations
- Hours since last regeneration
- Volume remaining (adjustable)
- Valve addresses
Three programming levels